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Antidumping mattress petitions target Vietnam, six other countries

Time:2020-04-07 16:44:52    Share:

Seven U.S. mattress manufacturers and two labor unions that represent workers at U.S. mattress producers today announced that they have filed seven antidumping duty petitions and one countervailing duty petition charging that unfairly traded imports of finished mattresses from eight countries are causing material injury to the U.S. mattress industry, a trade group reports.

In an alert to its members, the International Sleep Products Assn. said the petitions were filed jointly with the U.S. Dept. of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission.

The seven antidumping petitions allege the following dumping margins for these countries:

Cambodia: 708.10%

Indonesia: 706.28%

Malaysia: 47.97%

Serbia: 191.09%

Thailand: 773.49%

Turkey: 620.07%

Vietnam: 1,008.28%

The issue in an antidumping case, ISPA said, is whether the imports were sold at dumped prices. If so, the DOC will instruct U.S. Customs and Border Protection to collect antidumping duties in the amount of the dumping margins on future imports from the targeted countries.

The U.S. manufacturers filing the petitions are Brooklyn Bedding, Corsicana Mattress Co., Elite Comfort Solutions, FXI, Innocor, Kolcraft Enterprises, and Leggett & Platt.